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It is the most important square in Turin, in the very center of the city.


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It was designed by Ascanio Vitozzi in 1584, ruined during the civil war (1637/1640) and rebuilt by Christine Marie of France, regent of Savoy.


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It is a big quadrangular square surrounded by arcade; it measures 40000 sm. Many famous buildings give onto the square, including Palazzo Madama and Palazzo Reale. The most important Turin streets join here (Via Po, Via Garibaldi and Via Roma)


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The biggest part of the square is now a pedestrian precinct and the square is used for big city events.


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Under the arcade there is a historical café, the Caffè Malussano, which looks the same of when Garibaldi and king Vittorio Emanuele II drank to the health of the new Italian kingdom.

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