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In the centre of Turin, crossed by Via Roma which links it to Piazza Castello and Piazza Carlo Felice

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It was designed by Carlo of Castellamonte in the XVII century. It was called Piazza San Carlo after cardinal Carlo Borromeo, bishop of Milan, who came to Turin on foot as a pilgrimage to visit the Holy Shroud.

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It is a quadrangular square surrounded by arcade, it measures 12 768 mq. In the center there’s a big bronze statue (called "Caval 'd Brons) of Emanuele Filiberto I, Duke of Savoy, riding back from the battle of St. Quentin (1557)

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It’s the most elegant and prestigious square in Turin, base of important institutions, like the Intesa Sanpaolo bank and the local Goethe-Institut, and there are many famous cafés.

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On a wall you can see French cannonballs from the 1704 siege

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