Pink chronology

During the Risorgimento some women partecipates directly in some of the most significant events.

donne_1.gif (4533 byte) 18th March 1848
Laura Soleri Mantegazza participates in the 
"5 Days of Milan".

Trivulzio Cristina brings to Milan a ship with 200 Neapolitan volunteers.

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During the seige of Roma
Trivulzio Cristina directs the quarantine hospitals on behalf of Mazzini.

Anita Riberio, partner of Garibaldi, dies near Ravenna.   

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5th May 1860
Rosalia Montmasson, wife of Francesco Crispi, and Jessie White Mario, nurse and English journalist, participate in the "Spedizione dei Mille".
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Jessie White Mario


31st May 1860
Giuseppa Calcagno (Peppa la cannoniera ) participates in the Catania insurrection.


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July 1860
Sofia di Baviera,  wife of Francesco II king of Naples, convinces the husband to grant the Constitution
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